Puerto Peñasco
31° 18' north - 113° 32' west - Altitude 203 ft.


    Puerto Peñasco was founded in 1927 as a small settlement of fishermen. It is located on the northwest part of the state in a volcanic and desertic zone. It's name comes from a rocky point that submerges into the sea. In 1928 John Stone, named the place Rocky Point, perforated a drinking water well and build the Marine Club (Hotel Peñasco). History says that Al Capone stayed at this hotel many times when he visited the port.

    General Lázaro Cárdenas, during a visit as President of the Republic, change the name as Puerto Punta Peñasco. Cárdenas ordered the construction of the highway that connects the city with Sonoita, 62 miles, in the border with USA. Puerto Peñasco appears on Mexican maps since 1940, when the railroad to Mexicali was built. This railroad now goes thru all Mexico.

    The principal attractions of Puerto Peñasco are the wonderful and unspoiled beaches and the beauty of the Sea of Cortes. It has a mild dry climate with temperatures averaging  77°F during July and August - the rainy season, while in December and January the thermometer registers a media of 52°F.

    During the first months of the year whales coming from cold  waters come to the Sea of Cortez to mate and have their cachalotes.The coast line of Puerto Peñasco offers this unique opportunity to whale watchers and photographers.

   A few miles from Puerto Peñasco, in the Altar desert, you will find the ecological reserve of El Pinacate, with a landscape similar to the moon: it's a zone with big craters of more than 1.5 miles of diameter and 400 ft deep.

    Puerto Peñasco is a duty free zone which allows foreign tourists to easily bring and visit the zone with their vehicles, trailers and boats.

How to arrive:
   At Sonoita, in the Federal Highway #2 between San Luis Río Colorado and Caborca, take the highway to Puerto Peñasco (62 miles).
   From USA: Cross the border at Lukeville, Arizona and take the highway to Puerto Peñasco (62 miles).

   Puerto Peñasco's Chamber of Commerce invites you to visit this beautiful sea side city.

Nautical info


Puerto Peñasco

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